Today, the fight against the spread and consequences of Coronavirus pandemic is a priority position for governments, public organizations, and businesses in different countries around the world. Сommunications industry contributes through creative solutions to the challenges of these difficult times. In support of the industry, the organizers of one of the largest creative festivals in Eastern Europe – White Square International Advertising Festival, which is scheduled to be
Categoria - White Square
L’International Advertising Festival White Square, uno dei più importanti eventi per la creatività in Europa.
Anche White Square annuncia lo spostamento del festival, che avrà luogo dal 24 al 26 giugno a Minsk.
Di seguito il comunicato ufficiale.
On June 24-26 Minsk will host one of the largest creative awards shows in Eastern Europe – International advertising festival White Square. Currently, 511 entries from participants from 20 countries of the globe have already
Having analyzed the forecasts of development of global Coronavirus outbreak, organizing committee of International advertising festival White Square – one of the largest creative events in Eastern Europe, for many years opening international festival season and uniting in Minsk the representatives of communications industry from more than 30 countries – has taken the decision to postpone the dates of the 12th festival. This news was reported on
What would you do if someone told you that your TIME TO WIN is coming? Most likely, you’d ask when and where. If you’re a creative, the answers are no doubt April 15-17 and Minsk – the dates and venue of XIIth International advertising festival White Square.
This creative award show holds strong positions in Eastern European festival rankings and has a reputation of some kind
April 19, winners award ceremony of one of the largest international creative events of Central and Eastern Europe — the “White Square” festival, which was held in the Belarusian capital for the eleventh time and gathered participants from 32 countries, took place. This year, the festival has sounded on the international stage under the slogan Your Moment is Now.
A total of 1019 entries from countries of the CIS
Call for entries to XI International marketing and advertising festival White Square is extended till 00.00 April 5. Entries can be submitted online on official website It means all the professionals working in communications industry still have time to present themselves on the arena of one of the brightest and most ambitious festivals of creativity in Central and
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