Postato il Lun 1 Apr 2019 da

Call for entries to XI International marketing and advertising festival White Square is extended till 00.00 April 5. Entries can be submitted online on official website It means all the professionals working in communications industry still have time to present themselves on the arena of one of the brightest and most ambitious festivals of creativity in Central and

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Postato il Lun 25 Mar 2019 da

White Square – one of the largest festivals of creativity in Central and Eastern Europe – closes the call for entries in two weeks and already on April 19 the first winning agencies of creative season 2019 will be known.

White Square grows every year maintaining the best festival traditions. Representatives of The Gunn Report, who attended White Square, noted high level

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Postato il Gio 14 Mar 2019 da


13 March 2019 – The Dubai Lynx Awards Ceremony, held this evening, brought the 2019 Festival to a close with the winners of the 18 Lynx Awards categories being announced. The creative community gathered at the Madinat Jumeirah to honour the very best creativity from the MENA region this year.

In addition to the winners across all

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Postato il Lun 4 Mar 2019 da

After the success of last year, the ADCE in partnership with Pi School is organising a new round of the innovative program:

The Creative Incubator

This year, the program and workshops will be focused on:

How to use creativity and design to apply solutions to real-world problems, and transforming ideas into high impact and purposeful actions. 


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Postato il Lun 24 Set 2018 da

Come fa Armando? Questa è la domanda che mi facevo tutte le volte che con la sua energia mi chiamava, ci vedevamo, mi invitava a condividere un’iniziativa.

E’ stato un uomo speciale, con un cuore grande e una passione per la vita e la creatività infinita. Nel corso del nostro Consiglio ADCI – Art Directors Club Italiano è stato un partner straordinario nel supportare la relazione con il Cannes Lions Festival,

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Postato il Ven 13 Lug 2018 da

Quando: 18 luglio 2018 ore 18:30
Dove: Klein Russo in Via Parrasio Giano, 15 – 00152 Roma

I leoni di Cannes arrivano a Roma. Dopo il successo della serata milanese #BestOFCannes2018 sbarca nella capitale, per vedere o rivedere il meglio della creatività mondiale.

Un evento a cura dell’ADCI AIR3 presentato da Karim Bartoletti

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